- Sheffield, J, Shankaran, S and Haslett, T (2012) Systems thinking: Taming complexity and project management. On the Horizon Vol. 20, No. 2, pp 128 – 135
- Haslett, T. (2012) Simulating Hamlet: Questions, Cautions and Critique. International Journal of System Dynamics Applications Vol. 1, No. 4 pp 73 – 88
- Haslett, T., Ballenden, C., Bassett, L., Godbole, S., & Walker, K. (2012) A Framework for the Development and Evaluation of Community Engagement International Journal for Court Administration http://www.iaca.ws/ijca-vol.-4-no.-21.html
- Haslett, T. (2011) How to watch the right butterfly: Some guidelines for organizational designInternational Journal of Information, Knowledge and Systems Management, 10, 175 – 188
- Stephens, J & Haslett, T. (2011) A Set of Conventions, a Model: An Application of Stafford Beer’s Viable Systems Model to the Strategic Planning Process Systemic Practice and Action Research Volume 24, Number 5, 429-452,
- Haslett, T., Barton, J., Stephens, J., Tepe, S. and Schell, L. (2010) Leadership in network learning: business action research at Monash University Special Issue of The Learning Organization on Networks of Learning and Leadership. Vol 17 No 1 pg 104ff
- Haslett, T., Ballenden, C., Godbole, S., & Walker, K. (2010) Using System Dynamics to Develop an Organizational Learning Process: The Neighborhood Justice Center International Journal for Court Administration http://www.iaca.ws/ijca-vol.-3-no.-1.html
- Stephens, J.R, Barton J.A., and Haslett, T.R. (2009).Action Research: Its History and Relationship to Scientific Methodology. Systemic Practice and Action Research (SPAR). Volume 22, Number 6 / December, 2009
- Barton, J.A, Stephens, J.R. and Haslett, T.R. (2009). Action Research: Its Foundations in Open Systems Thinking and Relationship to the Scientific Method. Systemic Practice and Action Research (SPAR). Volume 22, Number 6 / December, 2009
- Haslett, T. (2009) Reflections on SD Practice in Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment (ed) James Sheffield, ISCE Publishing, pg 535 – 539
- Barton, J., Stephens, J & Haslett, T. (2009) Action Research: An Exploration of its Logic and Relationship to the Scientific Method, in Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment (ed) James Sheffield, ISCE Publishing, pg 623 – 633
- Sarah, R. & Haslett, T. (2009) Insider Action Research: Beyond Participation in Action Research, in Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment (ed) James Sheffield, ISCE Publishing, pg 689 – 696
- Stephens, J. & Haslett, T. (2009) The Great Ashby, in Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment (ed) James Sheffield, ISCE Publishing, pg 731 – 737
- Schell, L & Haslett, T (2007) Cycle Two of the Monash Action Research Cohort: Looking Back and Looking ForwardInternational Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management Volume 6, Issue 11.
- Haslett, T. (2007) From Hospital Plans to Computer Simulation: A Case Study of the Alfred Centre. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Boston
- Cupido, L., Kerr, S., O’Brien, A., Pitt, M., Ryan, G., & Haslett. T (2006 forthcoming) Insider Research: Ethical Dilemmas Emanating from the Power Relationship between the Researchers as Senior Managers and Participants in the Research Process. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management
- Haslett, T. & Sarah, R. (2006). Mapping and Modeling in the Australian Taxation Office: A Case Study. Systemic Practice and Action Research 19, (3) p. 273 – 307
- Walker, B & Haslett, T (2005) The importance of social networks in the exchange of information. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management (4), pg 230 – 242
- Stephens, J., & Haslett, T., (2005) From Cybernetics and VSD to management and action Systemic Practice and Action Research.18, (4) p. 395 – 409
- Stephens, J., & Haslett, T., (2005) Peirce and Beer. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 18, (5) pg 519 – 530
- Sarah, R., & Haslett, T., (2005) Building Capability to Accumulate Organisational Knowledge: A Case Study. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management (5) pg 620 – 640
- Bardoel, A & Haslett, T, (2006) Exploring Ethical Dilemmas Using the “Drifting Goals” Archetype Journal of Management Education 30, (1) pg 134 – 149
- 24. Haslett, T., Barton, J., Molineux, J., Olsen, J., Sarah, R., Stephens, J., Tepe, S., Walker, B., (2005) Creating actionable knowledge: Reflections of an Action Research Cohort. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, (4) pg 1241 – 1252
- Bardoel, A. & Haslett, T. (2004) Success to the successful: the use of systems thinking tools in teaching OB Organization and Management Journal 1, 112–124.
- Haslett, T. & Osborne, C. (2003) Local Rules: Emergence on Organizational Landscapes, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences. 7(1) pp 87 – 98.
- Haslett, T. & Walker. B. C. (2003) The dynamics of local rules in hospital admission processes. Australian Health Review 26 (3): 98-106.
- Haslett, T., Moss, S., Osborne, C. & Ramm, P. (2002). Local Rules and Fitness Landscapes: A Catastrophe Model. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 4(1) pp 67 – 86.
- Haslett, T., Molineux, J., Olsen, J., Sarah, R., Stephens, J., Tepe, S., & Walker, B., (2002). Action Research: Its Role in the University/Business Relationship. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 15(6). pp. 437-448
- Olsen, J., & Haslett, T. (2002). Strategic Management in Action. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 15(6). pp. 449-464
- Molineux, J., & Haslett, T. (2002). Working within Organizational Cycles—A More Suitable Way to Manage Action Research Projects in Large Organizations? Systemic Practice and Action Research, 15(6). pp. 465-484
- Sarah, R., Haslett, T., Molineux, J., Olsen, J., Stephens, J., Tepe, S., & Walker, B., (2002). Business Action Research in Practice—A Strategic Conversation About Conducting Action Research in Business Organizations Systemic Practice and Action Research. 15(6). pp. 535-546
- Stephens, J.,& Haslett, T. (2002) Action Learning as a Mindset—The Evolution of PICCO. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 15(6). 6. pp 485-507
- Tepe, S.& Haslett, T. (2002) Occupational Health and Safety Systems, Corporate Governance and Viable Systems Diagnosis: An Action Research Approach? Systemic Practice and Action Research. 15(6).. pp. 509-522
- Walker, B., & Haslett, T.. (2002) Action Research in Management—Ethical Dilemmas Systemic Practice and Action Research, 15(6).. pp. 523-533.
- Haslett, T. (2001) Experiences and reflections on the transition from classroom to practice. Systems Dynamics Review, 17(2). Pp 161- 170
- Walker B. & Haslett T. (2001) System dynamics and action research in aged care. Australian Health Review. 24(1): 183-91
- Haslett, T., & Osborne, C. (2000) Local rules: their application in a kanban system. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 20, (9) pp. 1078
- Haslett, T., Moss, S., & Osborne, C (1998) A cusp catastrophe analysis of anxiety levels in pre-university students; The Journal of Psychology, 132, (1) pp. 5-25
Refereed Conference Papers
- Barton, J., Stephens. J, and Haslett, T (2007) Action Research: An exploration of its logic and relationship to the scientific method Systemic development: local solutions in a global environment. ANZSYS, Auckland New Zealand.
- Stephens. J, Barton, J. and Haslett, T (2007) Action Research: Its history and relationship to the scientific method Systemic development: local solutions in a global environment. ANZSYS, Auckland New Zealand.
- Stephens. J, and Haslett, T (2007) The Great Ashby Systemic development: local solutions in a global environment. ANZSYS, Auckland New Zealand
- Haslett T. (2007) Reflections on SD Practice (Plenary Paper) Systemic development: local solutions in a global environment. ANZSYS, Auckland New Zealand.
- Haslett, T. (2007) From Hospital Plans to Computer Simulation: A Case Study of the Alfred Centre. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Boston
- Barton, J. & Haslett, T (2006) Fresh Insights into System Dynamics Methodology- Developing an abductive inference perspective The 24th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
- Sarah, R., O’Brien, A & Haslett, T (2006) Learning from Loops – Applying CLD to Identify Leverage Points as Organizational Learning The 24th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society
- Molineux, J., Hartel, C. and Haslett, T. (2005) A Model to Enable Organisational Cultural Change using Systemic Strategic Human Resource Management, Proceedings of the 19th ANZAM Conference, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, New South Wales
- Tepe, S. J. & Haslett, T. R (2005) An agent based model for predicting community reaction to regulatory or planning impact assessments: the theoretical background to research Published in Systems thinking and complexity science: insights for action (Proceedings of the 10th ANZSYS Conference) ISCE Publishing
- Molineux, J., Haslett, T. R (2005) The use of total systems intervention in an action research project: results and implications arising from practice Published in Systems thinking and complexity science: insights for action (Proceedings of the 10th ANZSYS Conference) ISCE Publishing
- Sarah, R., Haslett, T. R (2005) Using stability to manage the instability of organizational change practice Published in Systems thinking and complexity science: insights for action (Proceedings of the 10th ANZSYS Conference) ISCE Publishing
- Haslett, T. (2004) Simulating Hamlet: a critique Presented to the 25th Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Oxford. Published in System Dynamics 04, Proceedings of the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Oxford.
- Molineux, J. & Haslett, T., (2004) A Systemic Model for Strategic Human Resource Management Published in the Proceedings of the SETE / ANZSYS Conference, University of South Australia.
- Sarah, R. & Haslett, T., (2004) Projects for Learning – A Case Study Published in the Proceedings of the SETE / ANZSYS Conference, University of South Australia
- Walker, B. C, Haslett, T. R (2003) A Model for the Development of Structure in Voluntary Not-For-Profits Published in Systems In Action (Proceedings of the 9th ANZSYS Conference) eds Haslett and Sarah Melbourne VIC Australia
- Haslett, T. (2003) Understanding blood donor restrictions: Why the vCJD problem is worse than expected. Presented to the 24th Systems Dynamics Society Conference, New York. Published System Dynamics 03, Proceedings of the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, New York.
- Threlfall, M., Yearn, D., Haslett, T. R (2003) An investigation into the link between culture and strategy using soft systems methodology and group analysis. Part 1 Soft Systems Methodology. Published in Systems In Action (Proceedings of the 9th ANZSYS Conference) eds Haslett and Sarah Melbourne VIC Australia
- Yearn, D., Threlfall, M., Haslett, T. R (2003) An investigation into the link between culture and strategy using soft systems methodology and group analysis. Part 2 Group Analysis . Published in Systems In Action (Proceedings of the 9th ANZSYS Conference) eds Haslett and Sarah Melbourne VIC Australia
- Stephens, J. R, Haslett, T. R (2003) Demystifying Beer – Do you want fries with that? Published in Systems In Action (Proceedings of the 9th ANZSYS Conference) eds Haslett and Sarah Melbourne VIC Australia
- Barton, J., Haslett, T. R (2003) From Business Driven Action Learning to Action Science – A Review & Assessment Published in Systems In Action (Proceedings of the 9th ANZSYS Conference) eds Haslett and Sarah Melbourne VIC Australia
- Haslett, T. & Bird, P. (2002). Modelling donor restrictions in the Australian Red Cross Blood Service. Published in the Proceedings of the 8th ANZSYS Conference, Mooloolaba, Dec, 2002 (eds) Ledington, J & Ledington, P. University of the Sunshine Coast.
- Molineux, J., & Haslett, T. (2002). An understanding of dynamic organizational cycles through punctuated equilibrium theory and causal loop diagramming. Published in the Proceedings of the 8th ANZSYS Conference, Mooloolaba, Dec, 2002 (eds) Ledington, J & Ledington, P. University of the Sunshine Coast.
- Sarah, R., Haslett, T., Molineux, J., Olsen, J., Stephens, J., Tepe, S., & Walker, B.,(2002). Critical Friends” in Action Research – A review of the experiences of an Action Research cohort in the first 18 months of PhD Candidature. Published in the Proceedings of the 8th ANZSYS Conference, Mooloolaba, Dec, 2002 (eds) Ledington, J & Ledington, P. University of the Sunshine Coast.
- Stephens, J., & Haslett, T. (2002) Viable Systems Diagnosis: an Adaptive Agent? Published in the Proceedings of “Convergence in the Digital Economy” The 6th International Research Conference on Quality Information and Knowledge Management Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Feb, 2002 ed Sohal, A., Monash University
- Olsen, J & Haslett, T. (2002) Systemic thinking and the learning organization. Published in the Proceedings of “Convergence in the Digital Economy” The 6th International Research Conference on Quality Information and Knowledge Management Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Feb, 2002 ed Sohal, A., Monash University
- Walker, B., & Haslett, T. (2002) Action research in management ethical considerations. Published in the Proceedings of “Convergence in the Digital Economy” The 6th International Research Conference on Quality Information and Knowledge Management Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Feb, 2002 ed Sohal, A. Monash University
- Haslett, T., Molineux, J., Olsen, J., Sarah, R., Stephens, J., Tepe, S., & Walker, B., (2002) Collaborative Learning in PhD Programs: A model from the Department of Management. Published in the Proceedings of “Convergence in the Digital Economy” The 6th International Research Conference on Quality Information and Knowledge Management Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Feb, 2002 ed Sohal, A., Monash University
- Molineux, J & Haslett, T. (2002) An action research project in the use of systemic human resource strategy for organizational cultural change. “Convergence in the Digital Economy” The 6th International Research Conference on Quality Information and Knowledge Management Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Feb, 2002 ed Sohal, A. Monash University
- Stephens, J.,& Haslett, T. (2002) The development of PICCO through Action Research Published in the Proceedings of the 8th ANZSYS Conference, Mooloolaba, Dec, 2002 (eds) Ledington, J & Ledington, P. University of the Sunshine Coast.
- Tepe, S.& Haslett, T. (2002) Action Research in Complex Organization: Corporate Alignment of Occupational Health and Safety as an Example Published in the Proceedings of the 8th ANZSYS Conference, Mooloolaba, Dec, 2002 (eds) Ledington, J & Ledington, P. University of the Sunshine Coast.
- Walker, B., & Haslett, T.. (2002) Systemic Reflection and the Emergence of Mega Cycles in Management Action Research Published in the Proceedings of the 8th ANZSYS Conference, Mooloolaba, Dec, 2002 (eds) Ledington, J & Ledington, P. University of the Sunshine Coast.
- Haslett, T. & Sarah, R. (2002). Mapping and Modeling in the Australian Taxation Office: A Case Study. Presented to the 169h Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Palermo, July 2002. Published in System Dynamics ’02, Proceedings of the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Palermo
- Haslett, T. Moylan, G & McKee, P. (2001) A system dynamics analysis of the Victorian Workcover Authority insurer scheme Presented to the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Bergen July 2001. Published in System Dynamics 01, Proceedings of the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Bergen
- Haslett, T., & Osborne, C (2001) Local Rules: Some propositions for their establishment and continuation. Published in the proceedings of 7th ANZSYS Conference, Perth, (eds) Hutchinson, W. & Warren, M. Edith Cowan.
- Walker, B., & Haslett, T (2001) Action Research and Systemic Thinking. Published in the Proceedings of 7th ANZSYS Conference, Perth, (eds) Hutchinson, W. & Warren, M. Edith Cowan.
- Olsen, J. & Haslett, T. (2001) Strategic Management and a Systemic Approach. Published in the proceedings of 7th ANZSYS Conference, Perth, (eds) Hutchinson, W. & Warren, M. Edith Cowan.
- Molineux, J., & Haslett, T. (2001). The use of soft systems methodology as a process to redesign an organizational employment system. Published in the proceedings of 7th ANZSYS Conference, Perth, (eds) Hutchinson, W. & Warren, M. Edith Cowan.
- Stephens, J.,& Haslett, T. (2001) Viable Systems Diagnosis and Organizational Learning. Published in the proceedings of 7th ANZSYS Conference, Perth, (eds) Hutchinson, W. & Warren, M. Edith Cowan.
- Tepe, S.& Haslett, T. (2001), Occupational Health and Safety Systems and Viable Systems Published in the proceedings of 7th ANZSYS Conference, Perth, (eds) Hutchinson, W. & Warren, M. Edith Cowan.
- Haslett, T., Barton, J. & Sarah, R. (1999). The Use of Group Modelling Techniques as a Teaching Tool. Plenary paper Presented to the 17th Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Wellington, July 1999. Published in System Dynamics 99, Proceedings of the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Wellington
- Haslett, T., & Osborne, C (1998) Local Rules: The theory, application and chances of success Presented to the 16th Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Quebec, July 1998. Published in System Dynamics 98, Proceedings of the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Quebec
Refereed conference papers
- Fenwick, M., & Haslett, T. (1994) A Cusp-Catastrophe Model of Cross Cultural Adjustment. Presented to the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass.
- Haslett, T, & Osborne, C., A (1999). Local rule theory: An ecological model of organizational stability and change Paper presented to the 1999 Academy of Management Conference, Chicago.
Published Conference papers
- Haslett, T. & Pivetta, C. (1997) The Dynamics of Garbage Collection: A Case Study of Privatization. Presented to the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Istanbul, July 1997. Published in System Dynamics 97, Proceedings of the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Istanbul.
- Haslett, T (1997) Three Simulations for Teaching Systems Thinking” Presented to the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Boston, July 1996. Published in System Dynamics 96, Proceedings of the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Boston, July 1997 (ed) Richardson G
- Haslett, T & Osborne, C. (1996) Local decision rules: complexity or chaos? Presented to the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Boston, July 1996 Published in System Dynamics 96, Proceedings of the Systems Dynamics Society Conference, Boston, July 1997 (ed) Richardson G
- Haslett, T. (1995) Teaching Systems Thinking and Theory, a progress report from Monash University. Presented to International Society of Systems Sciences Conference, Amsterdam, July, 1995. Published in Systems Thinking, Government Policy, and Decision Making Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the International Society of Systems Sciences. ed Birgitta Bergvall-Kareborn.
- Haslett, T. (1994) “Implications of Systems Thinking for Research and Practice in Management” Presented to International Society of Systems Sciences Conference, Asilomar, Ca., June, 1994 Published in New Systems Thinking and Action for a New Century Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the International Society of Systems Sciences. ed Brady, B., and Peeno, L. 1994.
Conference papers
- Haslett, T. (1995) The Senge Archetypes: From Causal Loops to Computer Simulation. Presented to the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Wellington, N.Z.
- Haslett, T. & Osborne, C. (1996). A model for the role of local rules in learning and change. Presented to the Australia New Zealand Systems Society Conference, Melbourne.
- Haslett, T., Moss, T., Osborne, C. & Ramm, P. (1997) The Application of Local Rules in Self Ordering Systems. Paper presented to the Society for Chaos theory in the Psychology and the Life Sciences Conference, Milwaukee, July, 1997