
  1. Haslett, T, Ballenden, C, Bassett, L, and Godbole, S. (2012) Framework for Development and Evaluation of Community Engagement International Journal for Court Administration 4(2):31
  2. Haslett, T. (2011 forthcoming) “How to watch the right butterfly: Some guidelines for organizational design”International Journal of Information, Knowledge and Systems Management.
  3. Stephens, J & Haslett, T. (2011 forthcoming) “An Application of Stafford Beer’s Viable Systems Model to the Strategic Planning process”Systemic Practice and Action Research
  4. Haslett, T, Ballenden, C, Godbole, S. and Walker, K. (2010) Using System Dynamics to Develop an Organizational Learning Process: The Neighborhood JusticeCenter International Journal for Court Administration 3(1):13
  5. Haslett, T., Barton, J., Stephens, J., Tepe, S. and Schell, L. (2010) Leadership in network learning: business action research at Monash University SpecialIssue of The Learning Organization on Networks of Learning and Leadership. Vol 17 No 1 pg 104ff
  6. Haslett, T. (2009) Reflections on SD Practicein Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment (ed) James Sheffield, ISCE Publishing, pg 535 – 539
  7. Stephens, J.R, Barton J.A., and Haslett, T.R. (2009).Action Research: Its History and Relationship to Scientific Methodology. Systemic Practice and Action Research(SPAR). Volume 22, Number 6 / December, 2009DOI: pg147-57.
  8. Barton, J.A, Stephens, J.R. and Haslett, T.R. (2009).Action Research: Its Foundations in Open Systems Thinking and Relationship to the Scientific Method.Systemic Practice and Action Research(SPAR). Volume 22, Number 6 / December, 2009 pg 158 – 168
  9. Haslett, T., Barton, J., Stephens, J., Tepe, S. and Schell, L. 2009 (forthcoming) Establishing business action research networks in the University context. Invited paper for Special Issue of The Learning Organization on Networks of Learning and Leadership.
  10. Haslett, T. (2009) Reflections on SD Practicein Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment (ed) James Sheffield, ISCE Publishing, pg 535 – 539
  11. Barton, J., Stephens, J & Haslett, T. (2009)Action Research: An Exploration of its Logic and Relationship to the Scientific Method, in Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment (ed) James Sheffield, ISCE Publishing, pg 623 – 633
  12. Sarah, R. & Haslett, T. (2009) Insider Action Research: Beyond Participation in Action Research, in Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment (ed) James Sheffield, ISCE Publishing, pg 689 – 696
  13. Stephens, J., Barton, J. & Haslett, T. (2009) Action Research: Its History and Relationship to the Scientific Method, in Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment (ed) James Sheffield, ISCE Publishing, pg 721 – 729
  14. Stephens, J. & Haslett, T. (2009) The Great Ashby, in Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment (ed) James Sheffield, ISCE Publishing, pg 731 – 73
  15. Schell, L &Haslett, T (2007) Cycle Two of the Monash Action Research Cohort: Looking Back and Looking Forward International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management Volume 6, Issue 11.
  16. Barton, J. & Haslett, T (2007) Analysis, Synthesis, Systems Thinking and the Scientific Method: Rediscovering the Importance of Open Systems.  Systems Research and Behavioral Science 24; 143-155.
  17. Molineux, J. &Haslett, T. (2007) The Use of Soft Systems Methodology to Enhance Group Creativity Systemic Practice and Action Research 20 (6) 477 – 496
  18. Insider Research: Ethical Dilemmas Emanating from the Power Relationship between the Researchers as Senior Managers and Participants in the Research Process. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management
  19. Haslett, T. & Sarah, R. (2006). Mapping and Modeling in the Australian Taxation OfficeA Case Study. Systemic Practice and Action Research 19, (3) p. 273 – 307
  20. Bardoel, A & Haslett, T, (2006) Exploring Ethical Dilemmas Using the “Drifting Goals” ArchetypeJournal of Management Education 30, (1) pg 134 – 149
  21. Walker, B & Haslett, T (2005) The importance of social networks in the exchange of information’. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management (4), pg 230 – 242 
  22. Stephens, J., & Haslett, T., (2005) From Cybernetics and VSD to management and actionSystemic Practice and Action Research.18, (4) p. 395 – 409
  23. Stephens, J., & Haslett, T., (2005) Peirce and Beer. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 18, (5) pg 519 – 530
  24. Haslett, T. & Osborne, C. (2003) Local Rules: Emergence on Organizational Landscapes, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences. 7(1) pp 87 – 98.
  25. Haslett, T., Moss, S., Osborne, C. & Ramm, P. (2002).Local Rules and Fitness Landscapes: A Catastrophe Model. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 4(1) pp 67 – 86.
  26. Haslett, T., Molineux, J., Olsen, J., Sarah, R., Stephens, J., Tepe, S.,  & Walker, B., (2002). Action Research: Its Role in the University/Business Relationship. Systemic Practice and Action Research,15(6). pp. 437-448.  
  27. Olsen, J., & Haslett, T.  (2002). Strategic Management in Action. Systemic Practice and Action Research,15(6). pp. 449-464.  
  28. Molineux, J., & Haslett, T. (2002). Working within Organizational Cycles—A More Suitable Way to Manage Action Research Projects in Large Organizations? Systemic Practice and Action Research,15(6). pp. 465-484 .
  29. Sarah, R., Haslett, T., Molineux, J., Olsen, J., Stephens, J., Tepe, S., & Walker, B., (2002). Business Action Research in Practice—A Strategic Conversation About Conducting Action Research in Business Organizations Systemic Practice and Action Research.15(6). pp. 535-546.  
  30. Stephens, J., & Haslett, T. (2002) Action Learning as a Mindset—The Evolution of PICCO. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 15(6). pp 485-507.
  31. Tepe, S. & Haslett, T. (2002) Occupational Health and Safety Systems, Corporate Governance and Viable Systems Diagnosis: An Action Research Approach ?  Systemic Practice and Action Research. 15(6). pp. 509-522.  
  32. Walker, B., & Haslett, T.. (2002) Action Research in Management—Ethical Dilemmas Systemic Practice and Action Research, 15(6) pp. 523-533.
  33. Haslett, T. (2001) Experiences and reflections on the transition from classroom to practice. Systems Dynamics Review,17(2). pp161- 170.
  34. Walker B. & Haslett T. (2001) System dynamics and action research in aged care. Australian Health Review. 24(1): pp183-91.
  35. Haslett, T., & Osborne, C. (2000) Local rules: their application in a kanban system. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 20, (9) pp. 1078-1099.
  36. Haslett, T., Moss, S., & Osborne, C (1998) A cusp catastrophe analysis of anxiety levels in pre-university students.  The Journal of Psychology,132, (1) pp. 5-25