Linchpin Systems’ client list includes the following companies.

Details of Specific Modelling Work
The Australian Red Cross Blood Service model evaluated the dynamics of restrictions to blood donations as a result of mad cow disease. The scenarios demonstrated the way in which the new policy should be implemented and also which donor recruitment policies would best compensate for the losses.
The Australian Taxation Office project was a large-scale systems intervention designed to explore the dynamics of the abolition of taxation on superannuation payments.
The Alfred Centre project involved developing the architects plans for the new centre into a dynamic model to understand whether the interrelationships between the new technology, the hospital infrastructure and the staff would be viable.
The Metropolitan Ambulance Service model examined the dynamics behind growth in ambulance demand and in particular the extent to which the internal dynamics of the service contributing to increased demand.
The Varian Industries model examined the impact of individual workers’ decisions on the functioning of the kanban system.
The Bundoora Extended Care Centre model was developed to examine the dynamics between upstream providers and the Austin hospital. In particular it examined the impact significant improvements in one part of the system and the impacts that this had on other parts of the system.
The insurer viability model was built for the WorkCover organisation to evaluate the strategies that were used by participating insurance companies to minimise risk. the model indicated which policies were likely to have a serious impact on the ability of the companies to meet their obligations
The justice model was built for the Supreme Court of Victoria and evaluate the dynamics of the justice system, the current legal processes of the Supreme Court and the workload of the Supreme Court judges.
The heroin model was built as a training exercise for the Victorian Police and examines the dynamics of current policies for policing the drug trade with a particular emphasis on the “war on drugs”. This model demonstrates the counterintuitive impact of large-scale drug confiscations and the impact on the crime rate.
The call centre model was designed for a major bank which was launching a new credit card and wished to understand the dynamics of their advertising campaign, the behaviour of potential card holders and the staffing requirements of the call centre. The model demonstrated what staffing levels were required to meet peak demand
The Joint Strike Fighter (JSF or F-35) will be Australia’s replacement for the multirole F/A-18. The model was designed to provide the Department of Defence an idea of how many fighters would need to be purchased to maintain air combat capability.